Transformation Stories

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Baking with Purpose: Esther's Journey of Giving

A donor story 

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Hidden Gems of the Next Generation

Iriene Balan & Sharon Cheong
Pusat CARE Miri

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From Hours to Years: A Volunteer's Journey

A Rumah Kepercayaan volunteer story

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Small Steps, Big Leap: Fifi's Learning Begins

Myona Hong
Community Development

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Empowered to Pay it Forward

A Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship Alumni Story

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Threads of Hope towards
Sustainable Income

By Pusat CARE Kota Kinabalu

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God's Power to Heal and Provide

By Prema Ponniah & Jodie Lim
Community Development 

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A Stepping Stone: Bridging the Gap
to Employment

By Chow Mee Kim
Community Development  

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What If I Had Looked Away

By Joshua Hor
Service Development  

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An Infectious Beacon of Hope
in the Face of HIV

By Rebecca Ang
Policy, Advocacy and Research

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Looking to Belong: The Power of Mentorship and Community

By Nicholas Perera
Community Development

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From Flats to Prison: Unforgettable Moments of Connection and Impact

By Eric Ruban
Community Development

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From Turmoil to Triumph:
Rediscovering Purpose

By Elliot Tan
Service Development

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Empowered and Transformed:
Road to Financial Independence

By Felicia Laing
Community Development

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Big, But Poor —
Banggi Island's Dilemma

By Nicholas Putra
Pusat CARE Kota Marudu

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A New-found Hope:
Setapak Manna Kitchen Project

By Christina Ho
Community Development

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Hari Komuniti Lights Up
Flat Danau Kota

By Nicholas Goh
Community Development

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Preschool Inclusive Education:
Why Become A Teacher

By Joanna Andereas
Pusat CARE Kota Kinabalu

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My Time at CARE:
Small Tasks, Big Difference

A Testimony by
Communications Intern

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God Reached Her Heartstrings

By Lily Chia

Community Development

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Pusat CARE Raub: A Ministry Opportunity

By Chin Wen Ken

Service Development

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New Steps Everyday: Empowering Communities through Play

By Jodie Lim

Community Development

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My Eye-opening Visit: Urbanite Goes to
Sabah and Sarawak

By Melanie Yong

Church Relations

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Empowering Orang Asli Youth - 
A Hope for the Future

By Pusat CARE Kampar

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The Path of a Transformed Life

By Sam Lim

Community Development

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Building Bridges, Promoting Unity

By Sharon Cheong

Pusat CARE Miri

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See, I am Doing a New Thing! (Isaiah 43:19)

By Alvin Lim

Acting Executive Director

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Empowering Orang Asli Parents - One Skill at a Time!

By Ita Bah Nan

Community Development Manager, Ladang CARE

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Where There is A Will, There is A Way!

By Sharon Cheong

Community Development Leader, Pusat CARE Miri

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Alive In Christ

By Dr. Wong Young Soon 

Executive Director, Malaysian CARE 

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A Toy Library for All

A testimony by a Toy Library parent

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Long Haul Journey

On 11 June 2021, out of the blue, I received a WhatsApp text from my ex-client, M.

Background: M was 18 when I attended to him back in 2013. It was heart wrenching to learn about his story - though his parents were alive, he was sent away to live with relatives when he was a child. His father left him. When he was a teenager, relatives sent him back to his mother but he was not welcomed by his mother. As a result, he ended up homeless and did not complete his SPM. He was left fending for his own while his friends moved on into colleges and universities. A caring lady from a nearby church took note of his situation and referred M to us in CARE.

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My Hero Uncle

I got to know of Uncle Raju (pseudonym) through my colleagues who had been journeying with him for many years now. Uncle Raju was diagnosed with HIV in year 2000. I joined Malaysian CARE on 1st November 2019 and was introduced to him shortly after as I was given the responsibility to work on policy, advocacy and research efforts to support and advocate for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV). Malaysian CARE started extending aftercare services towards PLHIV within the Klang vicinity and I was to connect with Mr. Raju to get an understanding of the work.

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An Island of Hope

Let me tell you about a community that I journeyed with in Pulau Banggi, Sabah. Firstly, getting there would mean taking a three-hour drive to Kudat followed by a one-hour boat ride from Kudat to Pulau Banggi. We got to know of this community through a church engagement exercise and the people from Pulau Banggi showed interest in some of the projects Malaysian CARE had to offer. ... For the last 2 years, we have been conducting the Financial Literacy Program (FLP) with them, aimed to teach them about managing their finances effectively and saving as well.

After successfully going through the FLP with them, I was pleased to know that the community wanted to take a further step towards building a more sustainable livelihood. At the end of FLP, we would explore the opportunity for them to embark on micro-financing and income generation projects. Seven families signed up to explore this idea and we are now working with them in processing micro-financing loans and income generation projects that varies from agriculture, small business set ups and also automotive services.

This particular community was really an inspiration to me. Because in the midst of the MCO, we had difficulty in connecting with them. This community did not give up and they always kept in touch with us through Whatsapp calls and other means, although they had a lot of problems with internet connection in the village. They were resilient and saw things through. The commitment and trust that they showed inspires me to continue to give my best in my calling to serve at Malaysian CARE. Funnily enough, sometimes when I think to myself, it is them who were a much bigger blessing to me than I was to them.

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Responding to a Gentle Whisper

I have been journeying with my client, a youth-at-risk, for a year now. And when you journey with a client, you also inadvertently journey with their families (if they have any). Through my client, I got to know and build a relationship with her mother, Sasikala (pseudonym). ...

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Never Give Up!

Where do I begin with my story about John (pseudonym)? I started journeying John, a young adult with special needs since year 2019. He was on the street (homeless). Due to our inability to gather information from him, to our best understanding, he was adopted as a child and his parents had passed away a few years ago prior to me meeting him. ...

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Learn Thru Play!

‘My child is 4 years old and is still weak in his speech. Can you help me?’ Yes, we do get those questions in the rural areas too!

The Orang Asli education team recently had an awareness session for mothers and their children to promote the importance of early childhood education. This was held in our OA education centre at Ladang CARE, Perak. ...We started off the day by educating parents on their children’s typical development. Then, we had station activities that involved both parents and children to have hands-on learning on how to improve children’s gross motor, fine motor, linguistic skills and emotions. In each of these stations, each mother was given the opportunity to model and play along with their children after a demonstration by Deek Penaniy teachers. It was a joy seeing the mothers realise first-hand that their children had so much potential that could be developed further by taking simple steps such as providing encouragement and utilising the early childhood education activities that was taught to them. As a teacher, nothing makes me smile brighter!

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Going out of our way!

I got to know this Uncle who works as a security guard. He was a Financial Literacy Programme (FLP) participant. FLP is a programme that Malaysian CARE developed to empower the poor towards financial freedom by educating them on things such as wants vs needs, basic budgeting, savings and credits/loans....When we started promoting the FLP programme, Uncle was keen but could not attend the regular group sessions that were held bi-weekly as he needed to be by his wife’s side who was bedridden due to a stroke that she had a few years back.

I had the opportunity to know Uncle and his wife through prior family visitations, way before we even introduced the FLP initiative. During these prior visits, despite how difficult their circumstances were, Uncle and his wife always welcomed me with joy and warmth.

When Uncle told me that he would not be coming for the classes, I decided to do a little extra and provide one-on-one lessons with him at his home. The reason is because of a very little thing that convicted me and that was the words from his wife who said in Tamil “Little girl, please come and visit us whenever you can”. That somehow convicted me in a special way, I can’t explain why, but it just did! Indeed, you can imagine that it was a bit ‘leceh’ to go out of my way but I am reminded of how patient God is with me. This experience has been a blessing to me at so many levels.

I am grateful for the platform that I have which allows me to journey with my clients at a personal level. Over the last 3 years, I can gladly say that Uncle is well versed in managing his finances and living within his means.

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One Life at A Time!

I got to know Desmond (pseudonym) through Kelas CARE (Malaysian CARE’s in-prison program) at Penjara Kajang. Upon his release from prison, he came to Rumah Petros (RP), Malaysian CARE’s halfway home for ex-prisoners. During his time in RP, he went through various experiences and trainings, needless to say there were ups and downs....He progressed from being a quiet and seemingly timid person to one who eventually rose to a position of leadership amongst his peers. I witnessed him transform from a beneficiary of the home to a benefactor.

Today, he is officially discharged from RP and has been positively reintegrated back into society. Most importantly, what I treasure the most was the opportunity to watch him reconcile with his family.

He is now living a life he believes God has called him to. As I reflect, I am grateful to God for these small wins and the privilege to see transformation in our clients’ life.

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Slowly But Surely!

"I have been journeying with this 5-year-old child since September 2020 through CARE's Home-bsed Learning Support model. Back then when I first introduced the ABC's to him, he was on the verge of crying because he could not remember what was being taught. to make matters worst, the covid-19 pandemic had also shut down schools and tadika's in Miri....By enabling the child's grandmother and mother to empower their own child, we began to see improvements in his education. I had also encouraged the child's mother to spend time teaching him whenever she was available at home.

The child had started tadika recently. Teachers have been giving him homework and his parents have been taking turns to teach him. I am truly encouraged that his parents and grandmother spent the needed time with him.

Praise God for the changes!"