Partners in Prayer

Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, 
it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 18:19)

We invite you to pray for the ministry of Malaysian CARE and for the needs of the poor & needy in our communities.

Prayer Points for this Month (July 2024)

Pusat CARE KK & Pusat CARE KM
WEEK 1 July 1-7, 2024

  1.  Pray for the youth team to be able to implement the Flourishing Journey programme in Agape House, Pitas, and the Mentoring Programme in Asrama Harapan Baru. Pray for good health, safety, wisdom and confidence. 

  2. Pray for the Education team supporting Tadika Mekar by providing Preschool Inclusive Education (PIE). May both teachers and students be positively impacted towards inclusive education.

  3. Pray for the Special Needs Education team as they prepare for a workshop on Transisi Kerja with SMK Bahang, Penampang, to equip parents, students and invited agencies for potential workforce transition opportunities.

  4. Pray for economic interventions in Pulau Banggi, Pitas, and Kg Sunsui in Kota Marudu. May these interventions bring about a positive impact on the livelihoods of the community.

  5. Pray for our youth camp (Kem Generasi ARROWS) organised in collaboration with local churches, that it will be transformative, leading to long-term impact and empowerment for all. As Psalm 127:4 says, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth.”

Human Resources
WEEK 2 July 8-14, 2024

  1. Pray for the staff of CARE that they will have a sense of purpose in their work and experience God in their journey of serving the poor and needy.

  2. Pray for God’s gift of love, peace and provision to be upon the staff and their families. When they face any lack or challenges, may God grant His wisdom, guidance and counsel in all circumstances.

  3. Pray for staff to have a deeper relationship with God through spiritual disciplines in the upcoming Silent Retreat. Pray for the Spiritual Directors as they journey with the staff.

  4. Pray for staff who are undergoing training, exposure and further studies. May God grant them wisdom, discernment and equip them to be effective in ministry.

  5. Thank God for caring for us in our daily journey and guiding us in decision-making.

Setapak Community & Youth

WEEK 3 July 15-21, 2024

  1. Pray for our new staff team: for God’s guidance, love and wisdom to lead them through their new roles in heading the KL Youth Empowerment community work.

  2. Pray for God to help strengthen our vision and work in youth mentoring and leadership, and for the favour to share these services with refugee and local community youths.

  3. Pray for unity among the community leaders, that they may set aside their differences and prioritise the well-being of the community above any selfish agendas.

  4. Pray for more regular volunteers to assist in the children’s programme, allowing staff to also focus on other areas of work.

  5. Pray for community parents to be more involved in the growth and development of their own children’s education and well-being.

    Parents attending Early Childhood Awareness at PSKC Setapak  (Photo credit: Nicholas Goh)

    Youth participating in friendly Captainball games and meetups outside of their own circle (Photo credit: Nicholas Perera)

PC Kampar & Ladang CARE 

WEEK 4 July 22-28, 2024

  1. Pray for God to empower our Deek Penaniy children to adapt to mainstream education and to persevere through life’s challenges to complete their studies.

  2. Pray for God to intervene in the preparation of the OA Kem Belia (OA Youth Camp, 14-17 Sept 2024 @Parit Buntar Methodist Centre) this year to have a positive impact on the youth, especially concerning their future directions and fostering leadership qualities based on spiritual principles. 

  3. PC Kampar has chosen an OA village to be a ‘Kampung Contoh’. Pray for God to show the team His heart and ways to empower and work together with our OA friends towards a healthy, joyful and sustainable livelihood.

  4. Pray that the planning for the renovation and beautification of Ladang CARE for the year 2024 receives God’s intervention and protection.

  5. Pray for God to provide the essential needs of the farm in terms of maintenance and other facilities so Ladang CARE can continue to serve the poor and needy community. 

    Elia, our community teacher from Tibang village using a teaching aid with a child in class (Photo credit: Quinney Ong)


WEEK 5 July 29-31, 2024

  1. Pray that churches and individuals can recognise the day-to-day work of our staff as that of ‘local missionaries’ through social media.

  2. Pray for our Ladang Open Day, that there will be good participation from churches and long-term commitment post-event.

  3. Pray that the recipients of the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship will adapt well in college and persevere to complete their education.

  4. Pray for more interested individuals to apply for internships at Malaysian CARE. May they be blessed with a unique opportunity to experience the work, which will build their character and strengthen them as they prepare for the working world.

  5. Praise God for a long-term volunteer to help with work relating to website and media matters. Pray for wisdom to develop more innovative ways to promote CARE’s ministry and create interaction with our stakeholders through the upgrading of our website.

  6. Pray for the organising committee of our 45th Anniversary Thanksgiving and Fundraising Dinner. Pray for a fun-filled event on 23 August 2024.