Persatuan Pekerja Prihatin & Pekerja Sosial Kristian Malaysia

One area of CARE's advocacy is to support Social Workers. In the wake of the Social Workers Bill, we gathered Christian Social workers together to inform, support and prepare them for the changes to the policy. This saw the birth of Persatuan Pekerja Prihatin dan Pekerja Sosial Kristian Malaysia, a national society registered with the Registrar of Societies. 

  1. 在社会工作各方面中增加技能和专业精神。

  2. 联系能力建设、最佳的实践、指导、相互支持和问责。

  3. 与发展相关社会工作和护理课程的教育机构合作,促进培训和协作以开发理培训课程.

  4. 积极倡导伦理、法律和社会政策的工作。

  5. 与专业或政府机构伙伴,以加强社会工作的专业实践能力。

  Email: [email protected]