Malaysian CARE

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Video Sermon Series

by Malaysian CARE

Sermon Video - See I Am Doing A New Thing by Alvin Lim (Acting Executive Director, Malaysian CARE)

This sermon video can be used for Sunday Service, Cell Group discussion, Sunday School etc and is based on Malaysian CARE’s 2022 theme taken from Isaiah 43:19. As we look at the times that we are in as a nation, it is easy to feel helpless when the pandemic hit us hard and for a prolonged time. God is looking to us for such a time as this (Esther 4:14) to be agents of change and hope to our communities. Watch this video for an update on how CARE and churches in Malaysia responded to the global pandemic.

Sermon Video - Real Life Ep 1: Getting Hooked, How it all Began!

Sam Lim was a typical teen who went off to college in the big city. He was introduced to drugs by a friend who told him it would improve his work performance. Born into a Christian family he would continue this lifestyle unbeknownst to his pastor and church members. In this video, he opens up about his struggle and gives us a glimpse into the invincible world of drug addiction, mental health and spiritual journey.

Sermon Video - Real Life Ep 2: Getting Help, Serving in Prison Ministry & Living a Transformed Life

Working with hardcore addicts is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is an inconvenient job and one easily misunderstood by society. Plus the chances of relapse are high – that is when those who journey with them get disappointed over their failure to help. In this video, we hear what the bible has to say about this and how our volunteers went through their own moments of being the ‘Good Samaritan’.

Sermon Video - Real Life Ep 3: What Can You Do? Help those affected by crime and drug addiction

For 40 years, Malaysian CARE’s prison ministry has been making a difference in the lives of prisoners and those recently released. Whether you have a few hours or a day, find out the many ways that you can get involved.


Real Life: Can People with Disabilities Work?

People with Disabilities want to work, they want to contribute meaningfully and be involved in the development of society. But, they face a multitude of challenges. In this next sermon video series, find out how a church began their journey to not only equip but employ People with Disabilities and hear firsthand what people with disabilities feel about working! We also gain insights from the corporate sector, discover what makes them heartwarming colleagues and how a job coach overcame her fears through God’s help.

Real Life: The Predicament - Orang Asli Children Education

A study carried out by UKM in 2013 showed that only 6 out of 100 Orang Asli students who entered Form One, stayed on in school until Form Five. (Malaysiakini).

Struggling against financial constraints, discrimination and dangerous journeys to get to school, it is an uphill battle for many Orang Asli’s in their pursuit for education. Yet they have been bravely resilient in facing these hurdles, taking ownership of their future. Witness the transformative power of education as we speak to parents, teachers and find out ways that you as the church can be involved.

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