Building Bridges, Promoting Unity
Imagine living in an area, inhabited by people from the same culture with a majority of them being family related to each other, but divided by invisible borders. When the Pusat CARE Miri team first got to know of 3 villages – all within the same vicinity, walking distance from each other, we asked, “Why 3 villages, why is there division?”.
A year after getting to know the community, Malaysian CARE organised a pig farming training that was attended by people from all 3 villages. From there, we started the Kursus Kewangan Inklusif (KKI), once again with a mixed group of participants from the 3 villages. Through KKI, a Financial Literacy Programme, the participants were encouraged to work together in group discussions, role play and team-building games games/initiatives.
We have seen more cooperation and projects initiated collectively with members from these 3 villages and we are optimistic that they will help one another towards the empowerment of their community. We pray that they will continue to share their faith, culture and resources.
Story written by Sharon Cheong, Pusat CARE Miri