Partners in Prayer

Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, 
it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 18:19)

We invite you to pray for the ministry of Malaysian CARE and for the needs of the poor & needy in our communities.

Prayer Points for this Month (January 2024)

PC Kampar/Ladang CARE
WEEK 1 January 1-10, 2024

  1. Pray for the Orang Asli to be aware of what is happening around them and to take action to protect what is theirs. Also, pray that God will touch their hearts through the Cooperative and help them see things from a wider perspective.

  2. Pray for the leaders and staff of Koperasi Sengoi Pribumi Perak to recognise the importance of their roles and actively participate in the development of their community. Pray that they will have the courage and boldness to bring about change in their community.

  3. Pray for protection and safety for our rural staff as they travel in and out of villages.

  4. Pray for the children from Kg Sg. Cincin and Kg Tibang who come for classes, that they will be able to catch up and improve academically. Pray that teachers in Kg Tibang and the education team will have the strength and wisdom in working with the children.

  5. Pray for God to help Ladang CARE colleagues to develop a Kingdom mindset. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for the team to clearly see the vision that God wants for Ladang CARE.

Education Team from Ladang CARE at the Eng Hot Panei (Awareness Programme) event, engaging with the children’s activities group at Kg Tibang.

Finance & Administration
WEEK 2 January 11-21, 2024

  1. Pray that God’s message of love will be alive through our work in finance and administration.

  2. Pray to God for strength and efficiency as we expect a heavy workload for the Finance and Administration team this year. 

  3. Pray for protection for our buildings, vehicles, and equipment.

  4. Pray for God to grant the team wisdom and discernment in handling finance & administration matters. 

  5. Pray for donors to be generous and to be reminded to continue supporting the work of Malaysian CARE. Our financial commitment is increasing every year due to the high cost of living, and we appreciate every donor’s generosity.


PC Miri
WEEK 3 January 22-31, 2024

  1. Pray that we continue to be sensitive to God’s calling for us in this new year and trust Him to guide and lead the ministry work in Miri.

  2. Pray for the ongoing partnership with Tadika Adiwira as we train and support the teachers to run the inclusive programme.

  3. Pray for the communities in Ulu Baram and Ulu Belaga to be empowered and blessed through the various economic-related programmes.

  4. Pray for the ongoing planning and training of rural preschool teachers, empowering them to serve the children in their communities.

  5. Pray for the preparation of the Abilities Based Learning & Education Support (ABLES) programme that will be launched in the community in March, in collaboration with local churches

Q&A sessions with the Assistant Agriculture Officer after the practical session at Kursus Pengurusan Penanaman Nanas in Long Lawen, Tegulang, Sarawak.

(Photo credit: Felicia Laing)