Master of Transformational Development
(Aid & Development Programme)
(Aid & Development Programme)
The Masters of Transformational Development was developed with a keen awareness of the complexities of addressing issues of poverty and injustice, while also recognising that somewhere in the dialogue between rigorous academia, theological reflection and the lived experiences of those serving the vulnerable lies the greatest possibility of people being equipped in a way that is appropriate, sustainable and a bold declaration of the Good News.
This is a 3-year part-time programme offered jointly by Malaysian CARE and Eastern Colllege Australia in collaboration with AGST Alliance.
Diploma in Social Work
Undergraduate Programme
This programme is designed with reference to the National Competency Standards for Social Work Practice, where standard areas are identified at a specific level to prepare diploma students and working adults to acquire in-depth knowledge of human behavior within the context of family, community and society. It offers students courses that emphasise ethical values and conduct, contribute toward self-development, and build psychosocial skills.
This programme is conducted by Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) in parnership with Malaysian Association of Social Workers (MASW), Yayasan Kajian dan Pembangunan Masyarakat, DUMC (Damansara Utama Methodist Church), HISTEAM, and Persatuan Pekerja Prihatin dan Pekerja Sosial Kristian Malaysia (PPPPSKM).

Master of Transformational Development
(Aid & Development Programme)
Offered to “budding potentials” from the age of 18-25, recommended from children welfare homes, NGOs or poor communities. Malaysian CARE are the coordinator for this scholarship for potentials from the needy communities to pursue Diploma and Certificate courses at Sunway University.
For more information, please contact the Communication Department, Malaysian CARE
@ 03-92120162 (Ext 908)