Malaysian CARE

Directory of Christian Social Concern

Search the Online Directory of Christian Social Concern in Malaysia 搜寻马来西亚基督徒社会关怀机构网上通讯录

We need your help to keep the directory updated and accurate! While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, relocation, re-organization, or closure can affect such listing. Please let us know if you notice any changes or mistakes. To update info or apply to be listed, please click on the button below.

All rights reserved @ Malaysian CARE. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any electronic (website, CD, etc.) or print media without the prior written permission from Malaysian CARE. The information provided is only as reference for parents, caregivers and teachers. For the printed directory, please write email:

Name of Organisation Service Categories Address State Phone Language Contact Person Email Services Provided Website Postcode City Postal Address Organisation Type
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