
Carol Davamani
Assistant Director – Prison, Drugs & AIDS

It has been 23 years since I started my journey with Malaysian Care in 1991. I can only say it is by His grace. I joined Malaysian Care as a young mother not knowing much about God’s mission. I have since weathered through many seasons in my life.

My 1 st experience in prison was very significant as I saw the overwhelming needs amongst the incarcerated people. I came back feeling burdened, not knowing how to provide support and help, and confused over my calling and role in this ministry. I started to pray about it.

In the next morning’s devotion, Rev. Peter Young shared from Matt 25:31-46: “I was in prison, you came to visit me.” That was amazing! I visited Jesus in prison! God spoke to me through the sharing. This changed my whole perspective of serving God. I was sure of my calling and where He wanted me to be. But being new in social ministry, with many family commitments and responsibilities, there were many challenges. I used to travel by public transport from KL to Kajang Prison. Even during the last trimester of my 2 nd pregnancy I was still travelling and doing community work independently. I ran out of energy, it was hard! I cried many times leaving my children alone at home to attend to clients, trainings, meetings, etc. Despite all these, I found strength in the Lord to accomplish the extensive and demanding work. God said “If you honor me, I’ll honor you”. Today, my children have grown up to be responsible, loving and God-fearing. God took care of my needs as I put my trust in Him. He gave me wisdom to balance between ministry and family.

God used many ways and methods to deal with my character. I have learned to depend on God in everything I do. His promise in 1 Thessalonians 5:24  “The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.” I have learned to appreciate, and not to whine when things go wrong but to depend on God and be thankful. This gave me the determination to go forward to be His vessel. Through serving in Malaysian Care, I became a better person with a renewed mind, changed heart, looking through His eyes. The only thing our Lord asked of me was to be meek and be humble at heart.

My greatest blessings have been my clients whom I journeyed with. They have changed my attitude to be a servant leader, helped me find the purpose and meaning in life. They are my encouragement. God has His plan to mould and break me. The process can be very painful but He gives me the determination to face it. I take every opportunity to give the best to my clients simply because I see Jesus in them.

I’m very thankful to Malaysian Care for giving me this opportunity to serve God as well the training provided to equip me to be effective in the ministry. It has been a tremendous blessing and a training school for me. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to be salt and light to the prisoners, substance abusers, infected and affected by HIV, the poor and the needy. Indeed, it’s a privilege to serve God.

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8. Empowered                                                                                                                                        10. ‘I Care’ — through the eyes of donors